Tour de Monterey
Lone Cypress Tree
Lone Cypress Tree

The Lone Cypress Tree. The copyrighted trademark symbol of Pebble Beach, the elite and famed golf and tennis resort that annually hosts the Pro-Am golf tournament. Cypress trees can grow as tall as 70ft and live as long as 300 years. They remind me of illustrated trees in Dr. Seuss books!

Just southest of the lone cypress is a tourist attraction along 17 Mile Drive called Ghost Tree. Aside from finding the seemingly petrified trunks of dead cypress trees, you'll get some breathtaking views of the mountains that rise up away from the ocean just south of Carmel. Some argue these mountains mark the start of Big Sur country. Ghost Tree is also noted for tow-in surfing. Because the area is so rocky, only the best of the best attempt these waves when they form.