I am a contractor with IMSG working on a contract for NOAA's NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) in the Environmental Modeling Center. I stay busy working with incoming meterological observations and preparing them for usage in EMC's various numerical weather prediction models.
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In January 2009 I moved from the NRL contract within SAIC to the NCEP/EMC contract (National Centers for Environmental Protection / Environmental Modeling Center). I worked with incoming meteorological observations and prepared them for usage in EMC's various numerical weather prediction models.
In July 2010 SAIC lost the NCEP/EMC contract and now a new company manages the project called IMSG, I.M. Systems group.
In June 2004 I took a job with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) as a research scientist - meteorologist. I worked for their atmospheric sciences division located in Monterey, CA. I was a contractor for the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) where I worked with several of the numerical weather prediction models that are used across the Fleet. More specifically, I was involved with design, development, and implementation of COAMPS-OS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System - On Scene) and NOWCAST.
During the 2003 Spring semester at Purdue University, my first year in the Atmospheric Science Ph.D. program, I had the opportunity to be the full instructor for Survey of Atmospheric Science, a general introductory course for non-majors. This experience was amazing and opened my eyes to many of my strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, it educated me on how to enhance those strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
While working toward my M.S. degree from Purdue University I served as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for experience, as well as to put food in my belly. I TAed the following lab courses for undergraduate meteorology students:

Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Atmospheric Dynamics
Atmospheric Observations and Measurements
Survey of Atmospheric Science
During the summer of 1999 I served an internship with WOIO CBS, a television news station in Cleveland, Ohio. I worked with the chief meteorologist, Carey Coleman, aiding in making forecasts and formulating maps and graphics on their WSI weather station.
While working on obtaining my undergraduate degree from the University of Miami, I spent my sophomore through senior years working for the Department of Residence Halls as a Resident Assistant. I lived on a floor with roughly 30 residents maintaining order and building respect and community on the floor. In addition to working with my residents, I was involved with a ~25 member staff that developed and organized programs and activities for the entire residence hall.
During summer breaks of my undergraduate education I worked for Aardvark Studios. The company (now owned and operated by Chappell Graduation Images) specialized in panoramic photographs of graduating classes and individual photographs of graduates as they receive their diplomas. They service schools from coast to coast ranging from middle schools to colleges and universities.