50 High Points
 Texas - Guadalupe Peak (8,749') - March 10, 2006
Mike and I hit up this highpoint as a side trip during his move cross-country from FL to CA. We spent the previous night in Pecos, TX and spent a good three hours making it to Guadalupe Mtns NP because of road construction on TX-54 north out of Van Horn, TX. We made it to the ranger station for a patch, stamp, and any words of wisdom in time to start our hike ~10:30a. We blazed up to the summit in under 2.5 hours. We were warned of forecasted gusts reaching 70mph. It was definitely chilly and blustery at the summit, but nowhere near as windy as that. We didn't want to wait around for the winds to get worse though, so we boogied on down after no more than 20 minutes at the summit. Our descent was a bit slow and we made it back to the parking lot ~3:30p.
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