50 High Points
 Minnesota - Eagle Mountain (2,301') - May 03, 2008
Mike had a very short break between trips so I decided to head to Minneapolis to see him. Nearing my 30th birthday and having 29 highpoints under my belt, I thought it only fitting to go nab my 30th highpoint! As soon as I arrived to MSP, we got a rental car and headed toward Duluth. The weather was absolutely awful! While tornadoes were striking folks in Arkansas and Mississippi, Minnesota was getting hit by a deluge of 40-degree rain. We began to wonder if attempting Eagle Mountain in May after several inches of rain was going to be foolish.
After an overnight in Duluth, we headed up the lakeshore for the trailhead. We were both amazed to see the amount of snow that had fallen from the storm. All the way to the summit the trail was snow covered. We had to fashion numerous alternate routes to navigate around some serious sections of standing water and flooded out trail. Given the conditions, we managed to truck along pretty well and only one fall! We hit the trail ~11:15a. We made the summit 2 hours later, soggy but happy. The way out was quite a bit quicker as the spring time sun melted almost all of the snow we trudged through on the way up. We made it back to the car for a round trip time of 3.5 hours.
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The view from a bald spot on Eagle Mountain.