The 2nd highpoint of the trip was Massachusetts, the first of a three highpoint day (MA, CT, RI). We departed from Albany, NY, where we were staying with Rob and Elizabeth, and headed E into MA. An hour and 15 minutes later we arrived at the parking area near the top of Mount Greylock. We exited the car and made the 1 min trek, along a paved portion of the AT, to the summit. The views were splendid and the weather was magnificent. I circled all around the monument and surrounding area for the USGS benchmark but could never locate it.
We tried to enter the war memorial monument, but the access door was locked, despite the time being a hair after 9:30a, when it was advertised to be open. We took our requisite photos and headed back to the car. In the parking lot, just as we were getting set to depart, the ranger truck arrived announcing they were going to unlock the war memorial monument. We opted not to head back up as we still had a long day ahead of us.
We left the Mount Greylock parking lot and headed S toward CT. Highpoint #36 was secured.