50 High Points
Iowa - Hawkeye Point (1,670') - June 6, 2009
Iowa - Hawkeye Point (1,670') - June 6, 2009
Mike and I made a quick weekend trip to Minneapolis. We rented a car and drove the 3.5 hours down to the Iowa highpoint. My guidebook from 1999 indicates the access issues concerning Hawkeye Point since it resides w/n private property. A quick search on the internet indicated conflicting information -- that the Sterler family had moved on and the land was no longer private.
When we arrived we were dismayed to see that indeed the Sterler's had moved on. The area now appears to be operated by Iowa State. Nonetheless, the highpoint is very beautiful and nicely cared for. We are sorry that we did not have a chance to meet the nice folks so many people spoke of, but we are happy to see the high point in such good condition and know the Sterler's would be proud.
The weather this June afternoon was just plain miserable: 49 degrees, WINDY, and rain rain rain!! The weather definitely abbreviated our visit.