Climbing Trips
 Red River Gorge - May, 2001
On Friday evening, May 4, Roj, Tracey, Vlad, Atul, and I departed for the Red. After battling through some sleepy late night driving, we arrived at Roadside to get some quick rest before hitting the rocks. We met up with Andy Vohs Saturday morning and headed to Phantasia to take on four routes: Creature Feature, Perverse Intentions, Lord of the Flies, and Overlord. I had forgotten my camera in my truck at Roadside so any images captured from Phantasia belong to Vlad and his mighty digital camera prowess!
After having spent a good portion of the day at Phantasia, we headed over to Global Village for a little trad. We played on Eureka and Andy led Father and Son, a 5.7 trad, on 4 pieces of gear!
After some hard core pizza feasting at Miguel's we headed back to Roadside and met up with Paul, Efong, Ritwik, and his dad. Before the night was through, Bob, Andy, Matt, Marie, Erin, and Josh joined the pack. There were a total of 16 POC members (or somehow affiliated with POC) gathered at Roadside for the evening! We were thoroughly entertained by stories of India told by Ritwik's dad and by watching Paul and Efong taking part in parking lot cooking of zesty mac and cheese.
Because of the large POC group, we split up on Sunday so as not to completely dominate a climbing area. Most of the clan headed off to Torrent Falls for some hard, juggy, overhangs. The rest of us (Erin, Josh, Atul, Ritwik, his dad, and I) went to Global Village.
Ritwik led "Father and Son" and I followed close behind.
The idea behind climbing Father and Son was so Ritwik's father could get up it and further substantiate the route's name! And, well, Daddy Ritwik is proof that age does not mean a thing!
Once the whole group had a chance at Father and Son, we moved around the corner to Vision, another 5.7 trad route. This route requires some really cool jamming (well, that depends on how well you like jamming) and I think all of us have some scratched up hands and elbows as evidence.
In their first time climbing outdoors, Josh showed all of us how it's done and Atul took a stab at it!
Since Vision and the route next door, Kentucky Pinstripe, share the same top anchors, Ritwik went up KY Pinstripe to clean.
At this point the day was growing older. Ritwik and I continued on to Casual Viewing (you guessed it, another trad route). Afterward, it was another evening of pizza at Miguel's where we met up with Andy and Bob and the dinner conversation revolved around bubbly butts, how girls check out other girls, and discussing how long one can go before showering!
Back at Roadside the rest of the group was finishing up dinner and Vlad and Andy got started on a campfire while Roj, Tracey, and ultimately, Paul, struggled in vain with a temperamental lantern. And not long after that ... out came the slack line follies! Again, any completely awkward positions and images of this fun were captured by Vlad. After a rainy night's sleep, everyone woke up MUCH MUCH later -- that's what happens when Ritwik is not around to regulate! Myself and Atul headed back to Lafayette Monday morning and the remaining group stuck around for further climbing adventures.
On a final note, as I write this trip report and scratch red bumps anywhere on my hands, arms, or shoulders, I realize the biggest lesson learned on this trip to the Red ... BRING AND USE BUG SPRAY!! Those little buggers are lethal!!