Climbing Trips
Pinnacles National Monument
Pinnacles National Monument
Pinnacles National Monument is the nearest crag to my home, at about 50-90 minutes away, depending on which access
I use. The rock is volanic that has been moving a few hundred miles from Lancaster, CA for millions of years. I've
taken many a trip here but 2 of my more memorable ones are shown below.
July 2004

A general view of the glorious rock features in west Pinnacles.
Ritwik and I climbed "Old Original," a classic, easy multi-pitch route up and across Machete Ridge. The climb up
was quite easy. The traverse across the entire ridge was spectacular. The descent was quite dicey.

March 2006

Joy and I on the back side of Tiburcio's X looking out over Bear Gulch Reservoir. The first Sister and the Hatchet
are in the background.

Me leading up The Sister Left.

A view of the gang hanging out at the reservoir from the trail leading to The Sisters.