Adventure Racing & Orienteering
Sullivan Canyon - October 31, 2004
Sullivan Canyon - October 31, 2004
The weekend of Halloween found me heading south to Los Angeles to spend
the weekend with the Calados to take my
nephew, Spiderman, trick-or-treating. Sunday morning we met up with Eric, one of Carey's
to show us around some
local mountain bike trails. He took us up into the Santa Monica Mountains. We drove up and up
through the fancy pants Palisades
and began our ascent up a trail called Westridge. We followed the Westridge fireroad up and
up ... and up, toward the retired NIKE
missle site, hitting up a small section of single track along the way.

A "movie" of me riding down the hill where the single track exits back onto the fireroad.

We took a 10 minute break at the NIKE missle site (now converted to a lookout
picnic site) to refuel before follwing the fireroad a little bit longer before coming
across a long, fun, downhill section of singletrack! This section is known as
Sullivan Canyon and shoots you out more or less right where you park in the fancy
pants neighborhood.

Our total loop was ~11 miles. You'll notice that Eric never appeard in any of these
pictures. He was having fun with his new fun Sony camera so he'd often race ahead, find a
decent spot, then snap away as we "raced" by. Thanks for the pictures, Eric!
More pictures are viewable HERE.
Check out the topo map of our ride (courtesy SingleTrack Mind).
More pictures are viewable HERE.
Check out the topo map of our ride (courtesy SingleTrack Mind).

But this was the real fun of the trip ... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!