Knitting Projects - Hats
 Cable Knit Hat
Cable Knit Hat
Cable Knit Hat
My friend Theresa bought me some cool yarn for Christmas that I wanted to put to good use. Having just come off my cable knit bag, I decided to take on a hat. This hat is adapted from this pattern.
I used just shy of 100g (168yds) of Puffin Crystal Palace Yarn, 100% polyester fleece, in dotiy blues color.
I used size US 10 (6.00 mm) circular needles (16" in length).
My head is about 21" and this hat fits me snugly. The only complaint is that it is a bit "tall" on my head. To correct this I would use smaller needles or perhaps remove one cable section round from the pattern.
My gauge in stockinette stitch was 5.5" = 22 stitches.

Cast on 90 stitches (5 big cables around the hat)
round 1: *k2, p1* (repeat b/t *s until end)
round 2: *(k2, p1)x4, RT, p1, k2, p1*
Repeat rounds 1 and 2 for a total of 10 rounds
chart a
rounds 11, 13, 15, 17: *k8, p4, k2, p4*
round 12: *C4B, p4, RT, p4*
rounds 14, 16, 18: *k8, p4, RT, p4*
Repeat rounds 11-18 for a total of 42 rounds in the hat.
chart b
round 43: *k8, p2tog, p2, k2, p2, p2tog* (yields 80 stitches)
round 44: *C4B, p3, RT, p3*
rounds 45, 47, 49: *k8, p3, k2, p3*
rounds 46, 48, 50: *k8, p3, RT, p3*
round 51: *k2, k2tog, k2tog, k2, p3, k2, p3* (yields 70 stitches)
round 52: *C3B, p3, RT, p3*
rounds 53, 55: *k6, p3, k2, p3*
rounds 54, 56: *k6, p3, RT, p3*
round 57: *k6, p2tog, p1, k2, p1, p2tog* (yields 60 stitches)
round 58: *C3B, p2, RT, p2*
rounds 59, 61: *k6, p2, k2, p2*
rounds 60, 62: *k6, p2, RT, p2*
round 63: *k2, k2tog, k2tog, k1, p2, k2, p2* (yields 50 stitches)
round 64: *C2B, p2, RT, p2*
round 65: *k4, p2, k2, p2*
round 66: *k4, p2, RT, p2*
round 67: *k4, p2tog, k2tog, p2tog* (yields 35 stitches)
round 68: *C2B, p1, k1, p1*
round 69: *k4, p1, k1, p1*
round 70: k1, *k2tog* (yields 25 stitches)
round 71: k1 *k2tog* (yields 10ish stitches) Note: the k1 is optional; depends on whether round 70 has even or odd stitches on it
chart c.png
Break yarn, leaving a decent tail; thread yarn through remaining 10 stitches; pull yarn tightly and weave in loose ends.

RT=Right Twist:cross 2 stitches; k2tog (but do not slip), then knit first stitch again, then slip both stitches off left needle.
C4B=cross 4 stitches: slip 4 stitches onto cable needle holding it to the back of the work; knit the next 4 stitches from from the left needle; knit the 4 stitches from the cable needle.
C3B=cross 3 stitches
C2B=cross 2 stitches
k2tog=knit 2 together


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