Back in 1998 I was bit by the web bug. I attended a very short and extremely basic html introduction seminar while an undergraduate student at Miami and thought I'd take a shot at my own webpage. My webpage has come a long way through the years and will continue to morph and improve as long as I have the time and desire (I suspect the time will be harder to come by than will be the desire!).
Through the years my skill set and knowledge have vastly increased which has allowed me to share my skill and joy in web design with others that may benefit. Provided is a list of websites I've designed and/or maintain. If you appreciate simple, clean, straight foward web designs and like the look and feel of the sites listed, feel free to contact me! - MORCA - Copley High School Class of 1996 - Brenda's get well visiting calendar & recovery summary - Mike & Shelley's wedding site - JetGirls Travel Bug - TMSI - Fairlawn City Government Ward 2