 Falling in Love All Over Again
Sometimes you never really realize how much you miss something until its back in your life. While living in California I often complained of the lack of rain and lack of seasonality. The overwhelming brown, dry, crispness that dominated 8 months of a year really got to me. The few months of verdant green were my bread and butter, but they never lasted long enough.
Now that we're back East in the land of 4 distinct seasons, the signs of spring are glaring out at me from every direction. I feel like a kid in a candy store! Every time I turn around a new piece of spring greets me, almost yelling "Remember me?" I always knew, while living in California, that I missed my favorite season, but now that I get to relive it, I really realize just how much I *love* spring!
Here are just a few items I love about spring:
green, rain showers, thunder storms, lightning, flowers, daffodils, tulips, grass, buds, leaves, blossoms, songbirds, dynamic change
But just like any loving relationship, there are items I definitely do not desire:
worms, mosquitoes