Quotations on Smile
There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity.
-Johann Kaspar Lavater
A smile doesn't cost anything and pays big dividends. Not only does it make you feel good, but it makes everyone else feel better too.
Smile a lot. It costs nothing and is beyond price.
A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
-William Arthur Ward
A smile happens quickly but the memory of it lasts a long time.
Let a smile be your umbrella.
-B.C. comic strip by Johnny Hart
When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.
-Louis Armstrong
A smile is the shortest distance between two people.
-Beetle Bailey comic strip by Mort Walker
Try to find humor in everything, for a smile increases your face value.
-found at the end of a forwarded email message
A day without a smile is a day you never lived.
-Martin Kales
If at any time you do not receive the smile you were expecting, be generous and give that person a smile. Because nobody has as much necessity of a smile than the person that does not know how to smile at others.

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